Monday, July 4, 2011


State of Life: Somewhat hysterical giggle

Musical Input: Nothing at the moment since I don't have any music loaded on this computer

Well, I have a bit to update you with. First job fell through, got another job. Much, much different job. It's cool, and very impressive sounding, although the job title is more exciting than the job. But the work itself is kinda fun. That makes going to work a lot easier.

Death. Instantaneous hard drive death. My laptop, along with all my writing notes, is gone. All the other work I had on there, school work and church work, is either unnecessary now or is backed up. My completed books are backed up. However, my everyday writing work, the bits and pieces of ideas... it's all gone.

Yeah, I know. I should've backed it up, and I do have some of it backed up. The trick is finding the old CDs that have my old writing files. And I don't have anything current. Oh, well.

So now I'm on my kids' desktop. I am so used to my laptop that typing on this keyboard is frustrating. It's less responsive than my keyboard, so I make so many more typos on this. At least I have one, so I really haven't lost much.

Taking a moment to wax philosophical about my loss, I realize that maybe this is a good thing for me. Yes, I lost 13,000+ words into a new novel, but to be truthful, I wasn't so happy with what I had. I loved the story - still love the story. But this was my first try to write a male POV, and I'm not sure I was doing so well. Also, I'd started this story a couple years ago, but it never really took off. After my creative writing class, I went into the story with much more specific ideas. I will start over, probably this week, and I will keep pursuing that. Also going to talk to a male friend and ask for his input into some of my character's motivations.

All in all, I think I can classify the last few weeks as blessings, just with some disguised more than others.

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